Ross and his brother-in-law, Bernard, froze as a shot rang out through the woods. The fishing on the lake had been good, and they made their way back to Ross's truck keeping their distance from the scattered cabins owned by a few of the community's well-to-do white citizens. Colored folks in Virginia always had to be on the lookout for Klansmen.
"Sounded like it came from over yonder," Ross pointed east. "Probably somebody shooting at a snake or opossum."
A ruckus of voices floated in their direction.
"Sounds like somebody might need help." Bernard headed in the direction of the noise, his two fishing poles and a line with catfish, suckers, and perch dangling.
"Bernard." Ross's voice seeped of caution. "We shouldn't get mixed up with white folks' mess. If it is something, they'll try to blame us."
Wilmington Manor dares to expose one of history's untold love stories. When Andrew, Wilmington’s heir, is forced to return home to take over the family business after graduating from Virginia Military Institute, he purchases Edward, a slave. The two begin a journey into the truly forbidden, developing a relationship that could result in arrest and death. In the face of this danger, they must also confront entanglements with Andrew's social climbing mother, vindictive sister, senile father, the Civil War, and Edward's desire for freedom. They cling to threads of hope offered by voodoo spells cast by an enslaved priestess, understanding offered from the Madame of a high-end bordello, and the dim promise of escape on the Underground Railroad. The price of freedom is high and may ultimately result in isolation.